官方热线021 - 51506887



“火星学者计划 Mars Scholar Project,MSP” (简称MSP®)是由思铺学院与国际火星学会联合发起的超前沿火星主题STEAM跨学科教育项目,旨在成就未来创新组织中的领导者。目前,MSP®在中国重点培养国际火星学会认证教师,提供主题实验室设计、软硬件教育套件供应、赛事组织和营地运营。


Mars Scholar Project (MSP) is co-founded by The Mars Society and Worldshaper Academy 思铺学院 in China. MSP is an advanced interdisciplinary STEAM project, and aims for cultivating the young leaders for future innovative organizations. Currently, MSP ® focuses on training teachers certified by the The Mars Society, organizing Mars Challenges Competitions and science camps, developing member schools to build up Mars Scholar Clubs.

Our curriculum centered around Mars exploration programs to stimulate teenagers' curiosity, courage and passion. We applied space technology, IoT&AI, through maker programming and project-based learning methods, into real scenes to drive knowledge exploration and engineering or scientific practice. It enables students to learn decision-making and leadership through team challenge tasks.


罗伯特•祖布林博士(Dr. Robert Zubrin)于1998年在美国成立国际火星学会,是世界上具有深远影响力的非营利性太空倡导组织,致力于促进人类探索和移居火星。国际火星学会拥有全球超过5000名由科学家、工程师、企业家、教育学家组成的资深会员。总会在世界各地举办火星漫步者挑战赛、火星城市基地设计大赛、火星着陆器挑战赛等三大系列国际赛事,唤醒人类对太空探索的好奇心与激情,吸引更多年轻人参与到科学探索与工程基础的创新。

The Mars Society is the world's largest and most influential space advocacy organization dedicated to the human exploration and settlement of the planet. It is established by Dr. Robert Zubrin and others in 1998. TMS has more than 5000 senior fellows, including scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and educators. The Society is holding three kinds of challenges/competitions worldwide, which is Mars Rover Challenge, Mars City Base Design Competition, and Mars Lander Challenge. It is to awaken human curiosity and passion for space exploration and attract more young people to participate in scientific exploration. Innovation with engineering foundation.



Established in 2016, Worldshaper Academy helps Chinese students from G3 to G12, to develop their innovative traits. We offer overall solutions for schools to initiate steam ASA/ECA programs, science exploration camps, academic challenges, competition training, CPD training for teachers and sustainable curriculum plans. We have a full-time team doing curriculum designs in house, they are prominent, and most of them are PHDs from worldwide outstanding universities. With them, we are building up more and more academic programs with top universities, research institutes and sci-tech centers all over the world.

目录 Programs

  • 火星美式科学营地Mars Science Camp
  • 火星漫步者工程师挑战营Mars Rover Engineer Challenge Camp
  • 太空基地设计师挑战营(小学生版)Space Camp Design Challenge Camp (G3-5)
  • 太空基地设计师挑战营(中学生版)Space Camp Design Challenge Camp (G6-8)
  • 火星着陆舱挑战营Mars Lander Challenge Camp
  • 火星移动实验室课后课
    Mars Rover Lab | ASA/ECA
  • 太空基地设计师课后课
    Space Camp Design | ASA/ECA
  • 火星机器人集训营Mars Robot Competition Camp